Friday, 26 December 2014

Garment Sizing System Notes-2

A. There can be three approaches towards development of sizing systems:

1. Indirect Approach: This approach measures dimensions such as weight and height and derive measurement based on these.

Shortcomings of indirect approach such as height relate to their variability. E.g. stature is composed of two components: trunk length and leg length. These two dimensions vary independent of each other they cannot be controlled by controlling their sums.

2. Direct:  This approach measures directly the dimensions to be measured such as chest girth.

3. Direct/Indirect:The third approach uses both the approaches.

As per ACK chan, in ready to wear garments, the exactness of fit is not too important at more than two dimensions of the body.

B. The design of the sizing system is a man-made convenience- based on factors of economy, fit and practicability.

C. It is a standard practice to use an odd number of sizes that will stand out for grading.

D. A size designation should have two things- length and girth.

E. As per ME Faust in "Apparel Designation and Sizing": Size designation should bear a definitive relationship to a garment's key measurements and convey adequate information to consumers of any target market.

F. The size interval ( Incremental difference) should incorporate the following:

a. A margin that is bigger than the measuring error.
b. Variation inherent in the manufacturing, allowing for stretch or shrinkage of the fabric during and after the process of manufacture.
c. Variations within the sizing of the body that the consumers are likely to accept.

As per ACK Khan regarding measuring error"... The intervals must be larger than the measuring error...", he further explains:

"...if a man of 88cm chest girth is being measured, it is possible for the measurements to appear as anywhere between 87 and 89 cm, due to different ways in which a person holds the tape measure during measurement taking. If a size interval of only 1 cm was chosen, this would mean a man may be assigned to different size depending on the way his body measurements had been taken. Also in a system, where small interval is used eg. 3cm, the argument in its favour is that it would lead to closer fitting garments. However acc to "Kunick" it is found that a garment that fits within the tolerance of +- 3 cm is quite acceptable, meaning that a size interval could be as wide as 6cm and still give a satisfactory fitting capacity. It can be further said that a garment can be of correct size but a bad fit, and in that case any variation in this size interval is unlikely to give any improvement. "

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