
Books by Priyank Goyal

1. Fabric Structure Simplified- A Step by Step Approach- By Priyank Goyal
This book takes the reader through intricacies of understanding fabric structure from a very beginner level. It covers all basic weaves such as plain, twill,satin and their derivatives.

2. Who is Mangalgiri ?-Essential Fabric Knowledge for the Merchandisers- By Priyank Goyal

The book is aimed for readers with who do not have any background in textiles. It takes them through the basic knowledge of textiles and fabrics used in the trade. Apart from other fabrics it covers fabrics for Indian Ethnic Wear. Written in an interactive style, this is very useful for export, buying house, retail and fabric merchandisers. The concepts are equally relevant for students, industry professionals and general textile enthusiasts.

This book has come out after a constant search for details related to Indian traditional saris and with the experience of the author dealing with these saris as a category manager, buyer and merchandiser. This is the first volume of the series. In this volume a total of sixteen saris from different parts of India are presented. The brief is kept to the point and as simple as possible. Each chapter starts with one sari and a picture of that sari. The book is kept free from the clutter of the myths and stories associated with the saris. Technical parameters such as count, construction and weaving techniques are given for each of the saris. 

This is helpful for someone who wants to get the knowledge of all different types of Indian saris at one place. This is going to help immensely the students of Indian Traditional Textiles, researchers, merchandisers of saris and general textile enthusiast.


Why Turquoise Bleeds?
Essential Dyeing Knowledge for the Merchandisers
A Book By

Priyank Goyal

This book takes the reader through intricacies of understanding deing from a very beginner level. It covers all dye classes and their practical implications for the merchandiser.

There is a dearth of books in the market that can help merchandisers in understanding the basics of dyeing especially those who are not from the textile background. This book is an attempt towards fulfilling that gap. The author has tried as far as possible to keep the book away from the technical and chemical jargon and tried to present the material in the way that a layman who is introduced to this trade would understand. 
This book can be taken as a complement to his other book for the merchandisers “Who is Mangalgiri? Essential Fabric Knowledge for the Merchandisers”, also published by Amazon. Apart from merchandisers, this book is suitable for students, teachers, traders, buyers, sellers and managers. 
The first chapter “An introduction to Dyes and Classes of Dyes” clarifies the concepts related to dyeing. It introduces gently the readers to various dye classes such as direct, reactive, vat and others and their distinguishing properties. 
The second chapter “A Few Details about dye classes” takes the reader through the details of the various dye classes such as the fibers they can be applied on, the method of application and the properties related to of those dye classes. It introduces in details the various terms related to the colorfastness of dyes. 
The third chapter “Dyeing from Fiber to Garment Stage” takes the reader through the details of dyeing at various stages of textile chain, their advantages and the process of application. 
The fourth chapter “Coloring by Pigments” introduces the concept of pigments, how they are different from dyes and their various methods of application. 
The fifth chapter “Some practical notes for the merchandisers” takes the reader through the practical and commercial aspects of dyes, how to identify them in practical settings and other related issues. 
The sixth chapter “Natural Dyes” introduces the concept of natural dyes, how these are different from the synthetic dyes. Their advantages and limitations and some commonly used natural dyes. 
The seventh chapter “Dyeing with Indigo” takes the reader into details regarding indigo dyeing, the method and process of application and especially its use by the handloom weavers. 

Compound Fabric Structure -Simplified !

A Step-by-Step Approach

A Book by 

Priyank Goyal

This book introduces the concepts of compound fabric structure in a very gentle way. A complement to the earlier book "Fabric Structure- Simplified", this takes the reader through the fabric structure variations in fabrics such as damasks, tapestries, brocades, terry pile, velvet, plushes, double cloth, and backed fabrics. A must for textile designers, this book is equally useful for textile technologists and textile chemists in understanding the complexity of these weaves in a simplified manner.

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