Monday, 26 December 2011

Silk Reeling

Silk Reeling

In general silk reeling is defined as unwinding of silk cocoon. However it is technically defined as the process of finding the right end of the cocoon filament and jointly taking several ends together to reel raw silk. These processes are carried using reeling machines.

 Depending on the size of the yarn required to be produced, filament from the cocoons are drawn out simultaneously, compacted and wound on to a reel.  For example, if 20 / 22 denier yarn is required, filaments from 8 to 9 cocoons are drawn out simultaneously, compacted and wound.

Silk Reeling broadly has these operations:

a. Catching the correct number of threads to maintain the denier

This is done using a mechanism called Jettebout.

b. Intertwining of threads

This is done using a special mechanism called croissure. Croissure also squeezes most of the water contained in the filament. If the sericin is wet, the threads wound on the reel will stick to each other and defects like hand gum spots result.

c. Distribution of the yarn

 This is done using an arrangement called distributor or traverse.

d. Winding of the Yarn

This is done on reels

Quality of Water used in reeling

The water used for silk reeling should be free from impurities as many animal fibres like silk have a decided tendency to fix any substance found in water. Such water alters the appearance of the fibre as its luster becomes dull and matte, thus reducing the quality of the silk.

Reeling of Tusssar

Tassar reeling is not carried out in filature like mulberry cocoons. Mostly it is done in small quantities by the womenfolk of weaver’s family.

Lacing and Skeining

In this process the two ends of the silk hank are tied with coloured thread. Lacing is a process in which a thread passing across the hank in such a way so as to devide it into five equal parts. So that the threads are kept in place to ensure that the thread can be unwound easily. For differenciating different denier of silk different coloured threads are used.

It is done by twisting the hank several times and folding it upon itself in a number of spirals.

Book Making and Bailing

The skeins are made into neat books of approximately equal weight and dimensions in a bookmaking  machine. In each book there are eight skeins in the horizontal row and five in the vertical row.

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