Friday, 26 September 2008

FAQ in cotton Spinning-11

Q: Why cotton system of spinning is called so ?
Ans: Because it was initially developed for spinning cotton fibres.

Q: How fiber length affects spinning ?
Ans: A longer fiber can be spun to a finer counts and gives a better spinning performance. In general, the longer the fiber, the higher the yarn tenacity. Too long a fiber gives processing problems specially in carding. Productivity also increases because the yarn spun from a longer fiber needs a lower twist.

Q: What should be the min. number of fibres in the yarn cross section for better spinning performance.
Ans: It should be around 85 for 38 mm and 68 for 51mm fibre

Q: How finer fiber affects spinning performance.
Ans: A fiber fiber can allow spinning of finer yarns. It also leads to more even yarns. Also low twist is required because of greater interfiber friction. However it can lead to excessive neps at carding.

Q: How finer fiber affects the fabric.
Ans: Fabrics produced from finer fibers drape better. They also have a soft "sheen". It usually produces softer fabrics.

Q: What is the formula to calculate the number of fibres in a yarn cross section.
Ans: N = (5315/fiber denier)/ yarn count (Ne)

Q: What is the min fiber strength needed for spinning ?
Ans:0.6 to 0.7 grams/denier

Q: What is crimp. How does it affect spinning.
Ans: It is defined as the weaviness of a fiber. It increases the interfiber friction which helps in spinning process. It also produces yarns and fabrics haveing a greater bulk and a softer feel.

Q: How crimp is measured.
Ans: Crimp is measured in arcs/inch

Q: What will happen if crimp is lower? If crimp is higher ?
Ans: A lower level of crimp than recommended can lead to problems such as  lap licking, higher cylinder loading, card web breaking and roller lapping. A higher level of crimp will lead to excessive neps.
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