Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Vastraa-2012- My Experience

I happen to attend the meet as a buyer. It was an experience to be remembered for a long time.

The event was organised after much thought had been put into place, as is evident by the arrangements. The idea of prefixed B2B meetings was novel and ensured that the participants really engaged into business interactions.

As the first effort, kudos to the organisers who managed to bring in more than 350 foreign and domestic buyers and provided for the hospitality. The results were encouraging as more than 350 million US dollar worth of business was transacted in those four days.

A very interesting idea was of business fashion shows. That brought in lots of crowed and the buyers could see the garments in action.

I managed to meet more than 40 sellers all across the Rajasthan. More than that interaction with more than 100 foreign buyer gave me a pulse of the market and trends.

There is a need to bring in more exhibitors of traditional fabrics.

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