Thursday, 10 March 2011

Process Control in Textile Chemical Processing

ABS Laboratories is mainly into manufacturing of Sulphur Dyes, Direct Dyes and  Reactive Dyes (HE class) for coloration of textile products. 

What is more important that on their website is a wealth of useful information for textile professional.

You can get characteristic shades of Sulphur, Direct and Reactive Dyes. If you also want to know how to apply sulphur dyes, click here to find out. 

And best of all they have an amazing document on the process control of Textile Chemical Processing. 

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Wednesday, 2 March 2011

A review of Cotton Spinning- Process Control Perspective

On this site, I have found quite a good number of articles on properties of cotton and cotton spinning. A very good site for the review of spinning basics.

Here is a list of the articles that I like the most.

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