Warp Preparation for Rope Dyeing-II
Oz tensioner: It consists of round cylinderical housing and is located at each running package in the creel. At the top and bottom of the housing is a small ceramic eyelet. Inside of the housing are two steel balls.The yarn is threaded up through the bottom eyelet, around the steel balls out through the top of the housing.
Tension is applied to the yarn as it passes around the steel balls inside of the housing.
Advantages: Tension at the front and back of the creel is constant. 2. Adjustments are never required. 3. It is almost maintenance free.
1. there is a limit to how much tension can be applied
2. Threading of tensioner is difficult
3. It is relatively expensive.
1. Capastan Type
2. Rotating Disc Type
Capastan Type: There is a round capastan mounted on a precision shaft. This capastan is positioned onto the bearings which are located inside of a round DC coil. The yarn is wrapped around the outer surface of the capastan. The action of the yarn being pulled out of the creel by warper rotates capastan. If no voltage is applied to the DC coil, an EM field is created under the capastan. A hysterisis ring is attached to the inside of the capastan which reacts to this EM field and as such creates resistance to free rotation of the capastan. This resistance to rotation adds tension to the yarn on the capastan's outer surface. Varrying levels of DC voltages are applied to each tensioner in the creel and will provide equal tension to each in the rope.
Rotating Disc Type: Two disks are mounted in the vertical position onto a ceramic shaft. Behind the inside disk is a DC coil. When voltage is applied to the DC coil, an electromagnetic field is created. The outside disk is steel and is of course attached to the magnetic field which has been created. It pulls tightly against inner disk; again depending upon the strength of the EM field created by the DC coil, the yarn is threaded between the two disks. A 4 RPM AC motor mounted on each tensioiner, turn these disks to prevent thread cutting.
Advantage of Capstan types:
- No electric motor
- yarn is not distorted due to pinching action of disk
- less maintenance
As speed of ball warping is slow, mechanical tensioner are normally sufficient.
5. After that the yarn is then threaded through the eyebrows down the length of the creel. Here self threading type of ceramic eyelet is generally sufficient.
6. A stop motion device is required
a. The drop wire system
- It is located on each vertical row at the front of the creel bands.It is inexpensive with very short reaction and response time.However, it is exposed to dust, and if the end should break at or near the warper, there may be enough residual tension on the yarn, holding it up and preventing the drop wire from falling.
b. Photoelectric system
Instead of drop wire, this system uses a faller which is attached to a shutter inside of an airtight housing. Inside this housing is a photocell having a transmitter at one end of the housing and a receiver at the other end. A light beam is emitted to the receiver and an open electric circuit is maintained. When an end breaks, the faller drops and the attached shutter passes through the light beam, thus imitating the stop signer to the warper. it is reliable, comparatively inexpensive, easy to thread and maintenance free. However,it suffers from the same problem of residual tension.
c. Electric Motion Sensor
It is normally mounted on the balloon shield at the yarn package. This system actually measures the motion of the yarn as it exits the package. The yan balloons through a light beam housed in the balloon shield. As long as the light beam is constantly broken by the ballooning motion, the system remains open when the end breaks, the ballooning action stops and sensor signals the warper to stop. The circular motion of the yarn passing through the light sensor keeps the lenses clean. It is reliable, fast acting and self cleaning. However it is expensive.
7. The yarn exists the creel and is threaded through the lease stand. It houses a unique reed which allows each adjacent yarn end to be raised or lowered in order to create a shed through the yarn sheet. A lease string is inserted through this shed at given intervals ( 1000 m) in order to maintain control of the yarn during reopening at the long chain beamer. It can be manually or pneumetically operated.