
Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Is Tussar Silk Inferior to Mulberry Silk ?

In a paper entitled  "Study of property and structural variants of mulberry and Tussar silk filaments" by professor Mohan Gulrajani, one can get several hints which may lead to the answer to the question.

"A glance at the typical tensile behaviour reveals that the stress-strain curve of these two varieties is distinctly different, in that tasar shows a clear yield point and very high elongation compared to the mulberry filament."

Conclusion 1:  Tussar silk can undergo significant stretching before permanently deforming.

The tusar silk stress-strain curve exhibits a clear yield point. A yield point is a point on the stress-strain curve where the material transitions from elastic deformation (where it returns to its original shape after the force is removed) to plastic deformation (where it retains some deformation even after the force is removed). This suggests that Tussar silk can undergo significant stretching before permanently deforming. 

Conclusion 2:  Tussar can stretch a lot before reaching its breaking point compared to mulberry silk.

The stress-strain curve of tussar silk also shows very high elongation compared to mulberry silk. Elongation refers to how much a material stretches before breaking. The fact that tussar silk exhibits high elongation means it can stretch a lot before reaching its breaking point compared to mulberry silk.

In contrast, mulberry silk does not show as pronounced a yield point and has lower elongation compared to tussar silk. This implies that mulberry silk is less flexible and may have a more limited ability to stretch before breaking compared to tasar silk.

Why there is a difference in their properties

One answer can  be density.  The density of mulberry is higher ( 1.35 g/cc) as compared to tussar ( 1.30 g/cc). This suggests a relatively poor degree of orientation and less order in Tussar, which gives to lower modulus and elongation behavior of tussar.

These values have their commercial and functional implications.