
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Kutch Bandhni- with Indigo

Following are the Notes on the process of Bandhni using Indigo as practiced in the region of Kutch

To have some awesome understanding on the process of Bandhani, go here or alternatively click this.

Traditional Way of Priting with and Extracting Indigo

Following are the handwritten notes of traditional way of extracting Indigo:

Aahir Embroidery - My Handwritten Notes

The following are the handwritten notes from Aahir Embroidery of Kutch. Cannot convert them into the text format due to paucity of time. The source of these notes is the book: "Stitch in Time- by Lyla Bavadam"

An amazing article on the embroidery technique can be found here.  You can view the video here.