1. Environment Scanning and Competitiveness of Textile sector
1.1. Industry Size and Growth
1.2. Value chain of the Textile sector
1.3 Fibre/Filaments
1.4. Market Structure
1.5. Policy/Regulatory environment
1.6. Demand Drivers
1.7. Key Success Factors and Risk Factors
1.8. Drivers of competitiveness
2. Human Resource and Skill Requirements in the Textile Industry
2.1. Current employment pattern
2.2. Profile of human resource employed in the T&C industry
2.3. Skill requirements and skill gaps in Spinning
2.4. Skill requirements and skill gaps in Fabric Manufacturing
2.5. Skill requirements and skill gaps in Fabric processing
2.6. Skill requirements and skill gaps in Garmenting
2.7. Current Training/Education Infrastructure
2.8. Emerging trends in skill requirements
2.9. Projected Human Resource Requirements in the Textile & Clothing Sector
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