
Friday, 26 March 2010

What is 100x120/92x80 Quality of Mull or Volile

100x120 quality of voile is a misnomer.Actually the count of the fabric is 64 x 80 or 64 x 90. The construction is the same as that of 92 x 80. It is a greige construction. Finished construction will be 104 x 80.

To understand it, there are various varieties available in the market. I am just giving a brief list in the decreasing order of qualities. In the first column I have given the popular name, in the second column I have given the reed and pick ( All Greige) corresponding to that quality.

100 x 120   92 x 104 ( A typical 100 x 120 quality has count of 56 x 90, Reed pick of 91 x 101)
100 x 120   92 x 88
100 x 120   92 x 80 ( A typical 100 x 120/92 x 80 has a count of 60 x 80 and Reed x pick of 90 x 76)
100 x 120   92 x 72
80 x 72       80 x 72 (A typical 80 x 72 quality has a count of 60 x 80 and Reed pick of 80 x 64)
100 x 100   76 x 68 ( A typical 100 x 100 quality has a count of 60 x 80 and reed pick of 76 x  60)
80 x 100     76 x 66
70 x 90       66 x 52 ( A typical 70 x 90 quality has a count of 60 x 90 and reed pick of 66 x 50)

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