
Sunday, 27 December 2009

Micro spinning or How to produce yarn at 40% cheaper than the conventional ring frame

As per the Site of Ministry of Rural Development “This technology is developed by Vortex pertains to the stages preparatory to spinning (pre-spinning). This can be coupled with a conventional spinning frame to produce yarn economically at a scale that is 1/100th of the prevailing scale. The technology integrates the operation of seed-removal (Ginning) with in-situ handling of fibres to produce slivers.”

Microspinning is a process of spinning in which small quantities of yarn can be produced. This is unlike in case of a standard spinning mill where large quantities of yarn need to be produced in order to be viable. In a spinning mill, the use of bales is the major cause of producing large quantities. It is also seen that pre spinning process is the major factor in making the textile mills bigger in size.

Micro spinning process eliminate the use of bales and convert directly cotton picked from fields to slivers. Thus it does away with the process of first converting the fibers into bales and then make it into uncompressed state. It will thus make possible for a spinner to produce as low as 30 tonnes per year of a medium quality of yarn (33s count) and therefore spinning can be brought in line with other small scale processes which can be done in small quantities such as dyeing and weaving. Weaver will get more returns ( about 20%) as a result of inhouse spindles (minimum 8 spindles onwards) the cost of setting up also reduces drastically.

Each microspinning unit from cotton to yarn will cost about 10 lakh rupees and therefore is an excellent investment for a small size entrepreneur. Total power requirement for a 24 spindle unit producing 3kg hank yarn per eight hours is less than 2 KW which is excellent for a power starved country like India. It required as area as low as 500 sq feet and can be installed in the field itself. As far as profitability of the unit is concerned, it is claimed that even at 40% capacity utilization, the profitability of a micro spinning unit will be seven times greater than the average spinning mill.

The possible issue here is the quality of yarn produced by microspinning unit as compared to the mill spinning. But I guess it would be ideal for low speed powerlooms and handlooms and will serve its purpose excellently.

Any success Stories ? Yes, there are many. According to website of Society of Elimination of Rural Poverty “The first unit has been running successfully in Chirala in Andhra Pradesh for the last 6 years and the cloth produced through this process is called “Malkha” cloth. Chirala unit has attained viability and sustainability and is being developed as a resource center for micro spinning and it is producing 1500 meters cloth per month and expected to increase to 1800 meters per month by April 2009”.

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