Defects in Dyeing with Reactive Dyes
Defect: Colors are not fast to washing, Abrasion;Staining in the fabric when transporting from place to the other, water marks on the fabric
Remedy : Wash the fabric with soap and soda ash at right temperature. Adding sequestering agent will yield good results. Treating with Ammonia will also give good results.
Defects in the fabric due to Printing- Need to take out full color
Remedy: Treat the dyed fabric with Sodium Hydrosuphite with 5-10 gm Sodium Hydrosulphite at 75 deg C for 30-45 minutes. Add 5-7 gms Caustic Soda for even removal of colors. The color becomes light yellow or brown after removal. Wash it thoroughly with soap.
The color can also be removed by solution of Sodium Hypochlorite. Treat the fabric with a sodium hypochlorite solution ( 3-5 gms Chlorine) for 20-30 minutes. Keep the pH between 9-10. The fabric is treated with Acetic acid after removal of color to remove chlorine and to neutralise the fabric.
The fabric can be redyed after removal of color
Defect: Bleeding in colors during washing, abrasion
Remedy: Boil the fabric with caustic, Treat the fabric with Hydrogen Peroxide ( 5-10 gpl, 60-70 deg C) to make the color fast.
Defect: The fabric has been dyed in darker shade, uneven dyeing
Remedy: To take out color from the fabric treat it with caustic for 45-60 min at 70 deg C. Thereafter treat the fabric with 10-20 gpl Acetic Acid for 40-60 min at 80-85 deg C.
Defect: Uneven dyeing, marks of water, marks of colors
Remedy: Wash the fabric in soap and redye in a darker shade
Defect : The fabric has become stiff and rough after dyeing
Remedy: Finish after adding right softner
Defect: Color staining of fabric, uneven dyeing
Remedy: Redye the fabric in darker shade.
Defect: Color staining in fabrics of darker shade, uneven undyeing
Remedy: Dye the fabric in Sulphur black
Caution: Please treat a small length fabric to check the effectiveness and any harmful effects before commencing a full treatment.