Receipes For Different Shades on Denim
A) Black-on-Black
Liquid Sulphast Black= 200 gpl
Sodium Sulphide= 20 gpl
Sandozol HSI = 10 gpl
Soda Ash= 10 gpl
B) Blue-on- Blue
Liquid Sulphar Navy Blue = 100 gpl
Liquid Sulphast Black= 50 gpl
Sodium Sulphide= 20 gpl
Sandozol HSI= 10 gpl
Soda Ash= 10 gpl
C) Reactive Series
01) Ramazol Turquoise Blue G = 110 gpl
Urea= 100 gpl
Swanic 6L= 10 gpl
02) Sodium Silicate= 250 gpl
Caustic Soda = 10 gpl
Ratio of 01) and 02) = 3:1
D) Ramazol Coffee Brown G
01) Coffee Brown G = 100gpl
Urea = 100 gpl
Swanic 6L= 10 gpl
02) Sodium Silicate = 250 gpl
Caustic Soda= 10 gpl
Ratio of 01) and 02) = 3:1
E) Ramazol Parrot Green
01) Ramazol Turquoise Blue G = 90 gpl
Ramazol Yellow FG = 40 gpl
Urea= 100 gpl
Swanic 6L= 10 gpl
02) Sodium Silicate = 250 gpl
Caustic Soda = 10 gpl
Ratio of 01) and 02) = 3:1
F) Ramazol Blue
01) Ramazol Black B = 70 gpl
Urea = 100 gpl
Swanic 6L = 10 gpl
02) Sodium Silicate = 250 gpl
Caustic Soda = 10 gpl
Ratio of 01) and 02) = 3:1