Evaluated at the end of 6 months
Quality=50%,Price=30%,Delivery= 20%
I. Quality
>1900=4, 1800-1899=3, 1700-1799=2, 1600-1699=1, <1599=0>Count CV
0-2.5=2, >2.5=0,
Imperfections( /1000m)
a. Thin places
0-2=5, 3-10=2, >10=0
b. Thick Places
<10=5, 40="2,">40=0
c. Neps
0-2=5, 3-6=2, >6=0
Classimate Results
a. Analysis for total faults
<10=4, 30="2," 50="1,">50=0
b. Analysis for Objectionable Faults(A4, B4, C3, C4, D3, D4)
0-2=4, 3-4=2, >4 =0
Weightage in Quality
CSP=20%, Count CV=20%, Imperfections( Thin=10%, Thick=10%, Neps=10%), Classimate ( Total Faults=10%, Objectionable Faults=20%)
II. Delivery Schedule
100% Compliance=5, 90-99%=4, 80-89%=3, 70-79%=2, 60-69%==1, <60%=0
III. Prices
They are determined on a 5-point basis.
>3.8--> Excellent, 3.0-3.8-->Good, 2.0-3.0-->Average, <2-->Poor